
Andree Affeich

Assistant Professor of Translation

Dr. Andree S. Affeich is assistant professor of translation in the Department of Communication, Arts and Languages. After having served for two years as program leader for the BA in Translation program, Dr. Affeich was appointed as coordinator of the Unit of Linguistic Studies from September 2021 till August 2022. Dr. Affeich was reassigned to a new administrative role as coordinator of two programs in the CAL Department: The BA in Translation and the BA in English between 2022 and 2023.

Dr. Affeich holds a Master of Translation, a Master of Advanced Studies in Foreign Languages and Cultures, and a PhD in Multilingual Lexicology and Terminology; Translation from Université Lumière Lyon II-France. She is largely and actively contributing to the development and advancement of LAU’s Translation Program at the national and international levels. Since 2017, she has been developing and promoting active learning methods and techniques in her classes in line with the university’s Strategic Plan III.

Before Joining LAU, she was an assistant professor of terminology and translation at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) from 2010 till 2015, and associate dean of USEK’s Faculty of Letters from 2012 till 2015.

Awards and Grants

In 2022, the Arab Translators Association (ArTA) requested the presence of Dr. Andree Affeich in Amman where they organized a big event on August 13, 2022 in the presence and under the auspices of H.E. Dr. Hazem Qachou to honor scholars, professors, translators, poets and writers from the Arab world. Dr. Affeich was presented with a trophy and a certificate of pride and honor, in recognition of her achievement in the translation field and the academic field.

In 2021, Dr. Affeich was awarded a Certificate of Pride and Honor by the Arab Translators Association (ArTA), which honored 128 scholars for outstanding work in various disciplines, including translation studies.    

In 2016, she was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship, whereby she joined North Carolina State University in Raleigh for faculty development and research matters. During her time at NC State, she worked on a research project examining the role of language ideology in translating news media with Dr. Walt Wolfram, distinguished professor of sociolinguistics and director of the North Carolina Language and Life Project.

In 2015, she became the first Arab researcher to be elected member of the Pan-Latin Terminology Network “REALITER” at the General Assembly held at the Royal Academy of Belgium in Brussels. 

Dr. Affeich was also awarded grants and scholarships from the French government, including the highest merit scholarship offered by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research to pursue her research work in France, as well as a grant offered by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work on a research project in Tunisia. 

Research Interests

Dr. Affeich is the author of books, numerous contributions in national and international conferences, book reviews and articles on translation and terminology published in national and international journals. She is also a translator and reviser of several translations.

In 2022, Dr. Affeich was chosen to write a book chapter on the history of modern terminology in the Arab world with her colleague Dr. Rima Barake from the Lebanese University. This publication will appear in 2024 in a collective book which includes hapters by renowned scholars on the history of terminology in different places of the world. The book is edited by Dr. Kara Warburton and Professor Emeritus John Humbley, and will be published by John Benjamins Publishing Company. 

Dr. Affeich is acting as referee for “Across Languages and Cultures,” a Q1 biannual peer-reviewed academic journal published by Akadémiai Kiadó (Budapest, Hungary), covering studies on translation and interpreting. Among its Editorial and Advisory Boards are professors: Mona Baker, Anthony Pym and Christiane Nord.

Dr. Affeich is also acting as a referee for Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction (TTR), a leading peer-reviewed academic journal published by McGill University, covering studies on translation, terminology and writing.

Selected Publications


  • Affeich A., The Arabic Terminology of Internet. -Rupture and Continuity
  • [in French], Preface by Pr. Dr. Hassan Hamze, Sarrebruck, Editions Universitaires Européennes, 2011, 424 p.
  • Affeich A., The Traveler from the East, Poems [in French], Preface by Dr. Sylvain Farge, Beirut, Dergham, 2011, 167 p.
  • Affeich A. (in collaboration with Nisrine El-Saddik), Nusûr Jâniha, Beirut, Mukhtârât, 2004, 135 p., Translation from French into Arabic of Alexandre Najjar book Like a Drifting Eagle and Other Stories, Paris, Publisud, 1992, 138 p.

Book chapters

  • Affeich A., “Aspects of Rupture and Resistance in the Arabic Technical and Scientific Vocabulary of the 20th Century” [in French], Khalfallah N. (editor), Paris, L’Harmattan, 2014, pp. 77-94
  • Affeich A. “The Syrian war in Arab and western media. A case study of the terminology used in ideological and normative contexts[in French], in Terminologia e mediação linguística: métodos, práticas e atividades, Zanola M.T. and Conceição M.C. (eds), in memoriam: Teresa Lino (1947-2019), Faro, Universidade do Algarve, 2020, pp. 235-246

Book reviews

  • Affeich A., review of Ali Almanna and Khaled Al-Shehari book, The Arabic-English Translator as Photographer. A Linguistic Account [in English], Routledge, 2018
  • Affeich A. (in collaboration with Susanne Lervad), review of Kyo Kageura book, The Dynamics of Terminology: A Descriptive Theory of Term Formation and Terminological Growth [in English], in Bowker L. & J. Pearson (editors), Bibliography of Translation Studies, Manchester, St Jerome, 2003
  • Affeich A. (in collaboration with Carine Abi-Ghanem), review of the collective book The Meaning in Terminology, Bejoint H. & Ph. Thoiron (editors), Journal of  Letters and Translation [in French], Kaslik, PUSEK, 2001, no. 7, pp. 169-175

Articles in international peer reviewed journals

  • Affeich A. (in collaboration with Hoda Hilal), “A feminist voice re/written in translation: A case study of the Arabic version of Joumana Haddad’s I Killed Scheherazade” [in English], New Voices in Translation Studies, 2020, 23, pp. 60-85
  • Affeich A. “The Role of Language Ideology in Translating News Media. The Case of the Syrian War” [in English], International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies, Australia, 2019, vol. 7/4, pp. 48-55
  • Affeich A. (in collaboration with Maya Azzam), “Sufi Terms and Their Translation from Arabic to English: Diwân al-Ḥallâž as a Case Study” [in English], Terminàlia, Catalan Society for Terminology (SCATERM), Barcelona, 2019, 19, pp. 28-38  
  • Affeich A. (in collaboration with Maysaa Bou Ali), “Singing in Translation: A Different Echo of Toyor Baby Songs” [in English], International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies, Australia, 2018, vol. 6/4, pp. 10-21  
  • Affeich A., “Verbal and Non-Verbal Representation in the Popularized and the Semi-Popularized Technical Discourse” [in French], in Proceedings of the TOTh (Terminology & Ontology: Theories and Applications) Workshop 2013, Lervad S. et al. (editors), DNRF’s Centre for Textile Research & Institut Porphyre, Savoir et Connaissance, Copenhagen, 2016, pp. 147-161
  • Affeich A., “From “Too Big to Fail” to “Too Big to Believe”. When Loan Terms Make Their Way in the French Terminology of the American Budget Crisis” [in French], Toma C.A. & Zanola M.T. (editors), Cultural Diversity and Identity in Europe, Bucharest, 2016, vol. 13/1, pp. 163-176
  • Affeich A., “The Metaphor in the Technical Discourse of Internet and Its Translation from English into Arabic” [in French], in the proceedings of the 3rd edition of Jetou on Comparative Methods and Analysis in the Language Sciences, Le Mirail University-Toulouse II, 2011, pp. 162-167
  • Affeich A., “Can We Speak of a Neology of Acronyms in Arabic? Reflections and Observations Through Technical and Scientific Domains: the Case of Internet Domain” [in French], in Humbley J. & J.-F. Sablayrolles (editors), Neologica, International journal of neology, Paris, Garnier, 2010, no. 4, pp. 137-162
  • Affeich A., “Rephrasing: a Dynamic Process of Knowledge Acquisition. The Case of the Arabic Technical Discourse of Internet” [in French], in the Proceedings of the 3rd international conference TOTh, Annecy, Porphyre Institute, 2009, pp. 161-177

Articles in national and regional peer reviewed journals

  • Affeich A., “Arabic Digital Content” [in French], in Journal of Letters and Translation, Kaslik, PUSEK, 2015, no. 16, pp. 15-24
  • Affeich A., “Multilingual Terminology: How it Can Contribute to the Perception of the Universe and the Understanding of Concepts” [in Arabic], in Proceedings of the international conference on Languages, Letters and Dialogue of Cultures, Kaslik, PUSEK, 2013, pp. 37-44
  • Affeich A., “Loan Terms in the Specialized Arabic Vocabulary: Yesterday and Today” [in French], Turjuman, Journal of Translation and Interpretation, Tangier, King Fahd School of Translation, 2011, vol. 20/2, pp. 28-74
  • Affeich A., “When the Translator Renders the Etymological Meaning… Example of the Translation from English into Arabic of Greco-Latin Formants of the Internet Domain” [in French], Journal of Letters and Translation, Kaslik, PUSEK, 2010, no. 14, pp. 45-55

Scientific contributions in national and international conferences

  • XVth International Conference organized by the Pan-Latin Terminology Network REALITER, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal, 2019.
  • International conference on Translators and Interpreters Confronted with Social and Political Challenges: The Issue of Neutrality, School of Translators and Interpreters-ESIT, Sorbonne Nouvelle University-Paris 3, 2017.
  • XIth International Scientific Conference organized by the Pan-Latin Terminology Network REALITER, Royal Academy of Belgium, 2015.
  • IXth international symposium on The Lebanese Presence in the World, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, 2015.
  • International symposium on Languages, Cultures and Media in the Mediterranean, organized by University of Ibn Zohr (Morocco), Université Paris VIII and INALCO (Paris), Morocco, 2014.
  • International conference on Verbal and Non-Verbal Representation in Terminology, University of Copenhagen, 2013. 
  • International conference on Globalized Modernity and Cultural Identity in Arab Emigrant Writings, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, 2013.
  • International Mother Language Day, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, 2013.
  • International conference on The Arabic Language in the 20th Century: Rupture and Resistance, Université de Lorraine, 2012.
  • International conference on Comparative Methods and Analysis in the Language Sciences, Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail, 2011.
  • International conference on Languages, Letters and Dialogue of Cultures, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, 2010.
  • International conference on Terminology & Ontology: Therories and Applications (TOTh 09), Université de Savoie, 2009.