
Mohamad Rima

Assistant Professor of Biology

Dr. Mohamad RIMA joined LAU as an assistant professor of cell biology in Fall 2023. He holds a PhD degree in Neuroscience from Grenoble Alpes University, France. In his thesis, he described new cellular functions of the beta4 subunit of voltage-gated calcium channels including the regulation of cell proliferation, cell cycle and gene expression. After obtaining his PhD, he joined the Sorbonne University, Paris, to study the role of the cholinergic system in neuronal network wiring during zebrafish early development. Afterward, in the University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Studies (USIAS) excellence project, he combined his expertise in cell biology and zebrafish development to validate a new method for visualizing and analyzing retinoid metabolism in living organisms. Later, he joined the Research and Development departments of two different startups as a research scientist and worked on developing immunotherapies targeting cancer and age-related diseases.