
Mona Shahine

Senior Instructor
Program Coordinator, Academic English Sequence (ENG009 & ENG101)

Mona Shahine is a senior instructor of English at LAU. She is also program coordinator overseeing the Intensive English Program and ENG009 and ENG101. 

Her MA thesis was titled “Teacher Training Workshops.” Her main interests are teacher training, teaching in and evaluating intensive English programs, and teaching critical thinking.

Professional Interests

She is an executive council member of the English Speaking Union, and a member of TESOL Lebanon.

Shahine has given several lectures and workshops, including:

  • A series of workshops for the English faculty SCD (School of Design) in Muscat, Oman as part of the consultation team from LAU. The workshops were “Recent Trends in Teaching Reading and Writing” and “Writing English Language Tests,” in January 2010.
  • Volunteered to present a two-hour workshop on “Teaching Rhetorical Reading” to a group of 40 teachers from the Bekaa area as part of launching TESOL Lebanon.
  • Presented a paper on “Teaching Reading: An Imperative Skill to Teach” as part of the conference for the Center for Program and Learning Assessment in collaboration with Ford Foundation, organized by LAU, in November 2009.
  • A series of lectures for the SCODE project for LAU in Oman on “Enhancing the Critical Thinking Skills of SCODE Students,” in May 2006.
  • An in-service teacher-training workshop entitled “Critical Thinking: In the Upper Elementary Classroom,” under the Teacher Training Institute (12th annual workshop) at LAU, in March 2005.
  • An in-service teacher-training workshop entitled “New Language, New Contract” for Université Saint Joseph, in September 2003, Faytroun, Lebanon.
  • An in-service teacher-training workshop on “Task-based learning” for Université Saint Joseph, in June 2002.

Selected Publications

  1. “The Need for Developing ESP Material,” Cahiers Du Centre Interdisciplinaire Des Sciences Du Language, Actes du Xiiiéme Colloque International SGAV.17, 227-229 (2003).
  2. “The Importance of Teacher Training,” Institut de Langues et de Traduction Annales, 7, 89-102 (2000/2001).
  3. “Building Fluency Through the Use of Authentic Media,” Collection Sources Sibles: Les Languages a Travers le SGAV (2001).
  4. “Communicative Competence: A Dream or Reality?” Institut de Langues et de Traduction Annales, 6, 71-80 (1999/2000).

Academic Degrees

  • MA in TEFL, 1996, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
  • BA in Political Science - Minor in Literature, Haigazian University, Lebanon