
BS in Chemistry Mission, Objectives and Learning Outcomes


The Bachelor of Science in Chemistry program parallels the mission of the university in commitment to academic excellence within the framework of a liberal arts tradition. The program is a marque chemical experience designed to challenge undergraduates intellectually, experimentally and interactively. The unique latitude inherent to the chemistry curriculum matures students into individuals prepared to embrace professional and ethical responsibilities.

Program Objectives

The purpose of the BS in Chemistry is to:

  1. Apply the scientific knowledge acquired to solve problems associated with the various disciplines of chemistry.
  2. Face challenges in their future academic or professional careers with the ethical and safety standards fostered throughout the program.
  3. Critically assess and articulate chemical concepts coherently through oral and written discourse.
  4. Design and implement research methodologies using emerging technologies.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates in the BS in Chemistry will:

  1. Interpret the knowledge studied in Analytical, Organic, Inorganic, Physical, and interdisciplinary topics.  
  2. Investigate theoretical principles through proficient application of laboratory techniques both at the bench, instrumental and modeling levels.
  3. Relate the contribution of chemistry to the advancement of science and technology.
  4. Show the ability to use computers in empirical and theoretical chemical applications and demonstrations.
  5. Apply problem-solving skills through the scientific methods in literature survey, research design, and implementation of experimental plan, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation.
  6. Evaluate critically scientific information.
  7. Transmit chemical concepts to groups of diversified audience through effective written and oral presentation.
  8. Apply good laboratory practice.
  9. Develop an understanding of ethical and professional responsibility as chemists and as members of society.
  10. Value the importance of teamwork to perform a task collectively.
  11. Develop independent learning skills.