MS in Molecular Biology Mission, Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Program Mission
The graduate program in Biomedical Sciences aspires to endow graduates with the spirit of scientific exploration and the necessary research skills and ethical standards to attain successful careers.The graduate program in Molecular Biology aspires to endow graduates with the spirit of scientific exploration and the necessary research skills and ethical standards to attain successful careers.
Program Educational Objectives
- Prepare graduates to remain abreast of the most recent advances in biomedical sciences.
- Prepare graduates for further graduate studies and for careers in the biomedical sciences and in related fields.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Integrate advanced concepts in biomedical sciences and related fields
- Develop analytical and critical-thinking skills
- Evaluate recent advances in biomedical sciences and their impact on society
- Conduct research in biomedical sciences and related fields as individual and part of a research team
- Demonstrate effective verbal and oral scientific communication
- Assess ethical issues in biological research